Superb writeup Parakram. While I'll confess that I read this piece rather hastily, I must say that I'm simply impressed by your writing prowess and the powers of articulation. Keep it up, its persuasive.

About them voting rights, while I believe that it meets the bare minimum, there's still a long way to go to ensure that every vote is worth its weight in a great democracy. Why isn't Presidential voting day a national holiday, the Luddite gerrymandering rules, and the antiquated electoral college do a major disservice to our great constitution? We should always, always push for a more perfect union, and iron out the kinks that exist in the current archaic rules.

Keep it up. I expect more such gems from you on your blog.

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Thank you so much for your feedback; I appreciate it!

I agree that we must still go further; partisan gerrymandering is definitely a key inhibitor to our democratic process. I would personally argue that certain states in our union are not true democracies. For example, in 2018, the Democratic Party won 53% of the popular vote in Wisconsin but only 33% of the seats in the state legislature. Conversely, the Republican Party won 28% of the vote in Hawai'i but only 8% of the state legislative seats in 2020. This doesn't feel right to me, and I'd agree with your diagnosis of the gerrymandering issue, especially at the statewide level.

I also agree with the idea of making election day a holiday, though I would personally like that to be an annual thing to allow for down-ballot elections to be more prominent. I'd still argue the electoral college has its use, though I can see the issue when one party has only won the popular vote once since 1992. It definitely needs reforms, such as the end of the "winner-take-all" system.

We have come a very long way since 1776. However, I completely agree that it doesn't mean we can't go further.

Again, thank you for your very kind words, and I hope you will enjoy my upcoming piece on Brnovich v. DNC.

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For someone your age you have an amazing perspective and insights into the political process in the country. Keep writing and better still you should start a podcast. It will be super successful since that's now the new medium for opinions. People are too lazy to read anymore :)

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Balanced, neutral and factual analysis. Easy reading, too!

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